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April 2007 Archives

April 17, 2007

Its a Bird, Its a Plane, No - Its a Robot!

Virtually invisible and flying a mere 75 feet overhead is the new "Phantom Sentinel" from VeraTech Aero.

The Phantom uses a unique "Y" shape which features 2 propellers and 3 asymmetric blades to soar overhead and transmit real-time panoramas to a viewer wearing VR glasses.

VeraTech Aero is primarily targeting the Phantom for military and law enforcement but we can't imagine that something this cool won't find other uses like - photographing Gadgetoff from the air!

Fly, Crash, Fly Again, Crash Again

I have always loved playing with radio control toys. Living in New York City has made it difficult to learn how to fly a plane - until now.  The Air Hogs Aero Ace is an inexpensive electric plane that is easy to fly indoors. The plane has a resilient foam body and propellers that are mounted behind the wing, this allows the plane to crash over and over again (in my case add a few more "overs") without any damage at all.

 By simply adjusting the speed of each of the two propellers it is easy to control the lift and direction of the plane. Charging is quickly accomplished by connecting the plane to the controller for a few minutes and then back into the air you go.

 Most people won't have a living room big enough to fly in but the plane will work outdoors (low wind) and in gyms and other large spaces. This is truly a wonderful little toy and for roughly $40 it can't be beat.

You should also check out the Havoc helicopter. It is easy to fly and handles crashes well but the controls are rather limited and steering requires a bit of luck. The heli costs about $30.

Look ma I'm flying!

About April 2007

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