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Bluefin Robotics Has Underwater Wings

New friends to Gadgetoff, Bluefin Robotics, do it deeper! They have a range of dynamic new underwater robotic unmanned submarines. We'll be seeing some of their coolest new designs and we can't wait! I hope they bring Bluefin's new Spray Glider:
"Spray was developed at Scripps under the guidance of Dr. Russ Davis.
This buoyancy-driven underwater glider autonomously profiles the water column in a specified region, over deployment periods as long as 6 months.

Spray changes its displacement using a hydraulic pump, enabling it to glide up and down along a see-saw glide path at descent (ascent) angles that can exceed 20 degrees.
In 1,500-meter-deep water, Spray can conduct over 800 profiles while traveling 4,000 kilometers across the sea bed.
Spray’s light weight (only 52 kilos) enables launch and recovery from small boats."



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